Sunday, January 13, 2008

Are you an Edmonds NIMBY?

Recently, Eric Earling editor of blamed mismanaged growth on city NIMBYism.

Apparently, we in Edmonds are NIMBY’s because we don’t except our share of the population growth. We in Edmonds like our single family neighborhoods and we want them to stay that way.

Forget the fact that we were arm twisted into re-zoning a whole section of our town into four lots per acre. Forget the fact that we passed a very controversial PRD ordinance that has allowed for full development of residential zones. Forget the fact that we rezoned the Unocal site for one of largest condominium projects in our history, (and that’s just the half of the project). Forget the fact that Edmonds has had a zone since before I was on the council that allows for high-rises, and forget the fact that Edmonds will soon have high rises in that zone.

Forget the fact that Edmonds meets its GMA growth targets set by the county.


So do you feel like a NIMBY? I don’t. Unfortunately, there will always be folks outside our city who label us NIMBY’s because we don’t say “yes” to absolutely everything some developers want (like taller buildings in downtown).

Oh well, count to ten, sticks and stones…sticks and stones…

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