Saturday, May 22, 2010

John "Public": ashamed and anonymous.

I try to include other links on the left side of my blog, even if they disagree with me. Today, I am adding the blog of “John Public.”

Who is John “Public”? Don’t know, but I have my suspicions.

What I do know is that John “Public” knows nothing of Edmonds. In fact, sometimes I wonder if he (or she) even lives here.

Look at what John “Public” states:

  • John “Public” criticized Bernheim, Orvis, Plunkett and Fraley-Monillas for overturning an ordinance that shut the public out of the land-use process. Why doesn’t John “Public” want the public to speak?
  • John “Public” criticized Council president Bernheim for allowing a neighborhood to talk about a local issue that was affecting them. Shouldn’t a council be responsive to neighborhoods? Apparently, John “Public” has a problem with the neighborhoods where the public lives.
  • John “Public” criticized council for listening to the public regarding the naming of a new local park.
  • John “Public” called for the impeachment of council members who wanted to purchase more park land on the waterfront for the benefit of the public.

John “Public” does not believe the council should hear from the public on land-use matters, listen to the public about neighborhoods, defer to the public on park naming, or improve public life by purchasing more parks and open space.

With beliefs like that, no wonder the guy (or gal) blogs anonymously.


Unknown said...

Only cowards pick fights anonymously...or when the main contender is out of town. I have an idea who this person is and he will continue to spew negative things as that is his character. Life it too short to be negative...

Todd Cloutier said...

I've been reading the John Public blog as well, and here's how I see it. Disagreeing with what the Council is doing is ok. As a matter of fact, it's the only way a decision gets better - that's why the Council (and the Planning Board) have public comment periods. So, having a different opinion is actually a good.
HOWEVER. Dave, while you and I have had several disagreements of opinion, (which is good for both of us), it's different to impugn the motives or character of those with whom you disagree. Dragging out the Navy analogies again, but, if you insult everyone on the submarine who disagrees with you, who's going to take care of the ship while you're asleep?
- We really are all in this together, so, while John Q can and should continue to state opposing viewpoints, it would be refreshing limit the conversation to rational debate, and not say things like "he says that because he wants....". (We're all guilty of a little of this)

- As for blogging anonymously - I think it may be that this person doesn't trust the system in place to protect them from the wrath of those being criticized. Rational or not, that MAY be the reason.

Michael Young said...

Diane, are you sure you meant to make that comment about negativity on this blog???

Dave Orvis said...

Mr. Bowman (Michael),

Specifically what's negative about the blog.
For example, the OrvisBlog clearly advocates for public participation in the land-use process. Are you saying that fighting for the public's right to speak at land-use hearings is a negative thing?

John "Public" is clearly trying to shut the public out of the land-use process. It seems like he's the negative one.

-Dave Orvis

Dave Orvis said...

Whoops, the previous comments should have been directed at Michael Young. My bad.