Thursday, January 17, 2008

Salmon Recovery Council

I attended a meeting of the Salmon Recovery Council today, a government agency whose goal is to improve the water quality in the Lake Washington/Cedar/Sammamish Watershed.

My motto for the group: “We conservate, so fish will procreate.”

For Edmonds, the challenge of WRIA 8 is how the funding is directed. Most of the funding is a pass through from King County or directed toward river conservation. Near shore projects and Snohomish County tend to get left out, and I am hoping we can change that.

The Puget Sound Regional Council is coming on line and they may make some funding available to cities for conservation through the Salmon Recovery Council. This means Edmonds could be eligible for some grant money. However, the PSRC and the Salmon Recovery Council still need to do some talking. We’ll know more later.

On another note, the Salmon Recovery council voted to authorize Jean White (the director) to apply for a grant to develop standards for Low Impact Developments (that is, Green Building Codes). If the Salmon Recovery Council gets the grant, we will hire professionals to advise cities on how to create more watershed friendly building codes. I think this is exciting. The cities may need to help match the grant by providing some staff time, so more information is needed, and will be coming. I hope Jean White gets the grant.

Next meeting: March 20th

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