Monday, September 28, 2009

Happy Birthday Bro!

My brother Bill turned 40 two days ago. He lives in San Diego and flies helicopters for a living. Isn't that a sweet job!
When we were growing up, I became the high school nerd and he became the high school athlete. His sport was the triple jump, which he gave up after injuring the connection between his thigh muscle and hip. He literally busted his ass for his high school!
It also turns that I am the one who gets motion sick and he doesn't. Hence, he can do the flying thing, and I am grounded to science labs.
Now he's 40, happily married to his wife Tracy, and flying helicopters for a living.
I am 41, happily married to my wife Martha, and I program computers and represent the public of Edmonds on the city council.
I love representing the people of Edmonds, but I can't help but wondering what it's like to be my bro, flying helicopters.

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